9 Morning Rituals That Help You 'Win the Day'

Want to have a day filled with positive momentum and fewer distractions? Here's what I suggest to make it happen. The key is to put aside at least 1 hour in the morning every day. By creating a solid morning routine, you carve out some ‘you’ time in which you can work on your self-improvement and on your goals. This is incredibly powerful, as it becomes harder and harder to work on your self-improvement later on in the day. Own the morning and you will own the day!   #1 Wake Up Early  Most people wake up and they are...

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Feeling Disconnected From Everything and Everyone?

  You’ve probably had moments in your day where you asked yourself the question, how did I get to this point in my life? Is this it? Is this all about my life or am I destined for more? Why does it feel like I’m disconnected from everything and everybody? Often we go through life reminiscing, in a state of auto-pilot, with no vibes. Most days in life become GROUNDHOG DAY, nothing changes, and it feels like something that just “happens” to us. Often, we try to manage our health, careers, and relationships in a world that has less to...

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