Do you want to have a lovely day with great company and spend quality time with people you love? Then plan a fun Father's Day picnic for either the whole family or just your dad.
If you are hoping to celebrate Fathers Day this year for your Dad or the father of your children, the way they will love and adore? Say no more! The perfect idea is to plan a delightful Father's Day picnic! Fill up that cooler, grab some picnic blankets, and go out to a local park to have a beautiful day in the sun celebrating the special Dad in your life.
There are lots of reasons that make Picnics the perfect way to celebrate Father's Day.
The best time of the year for being outdoors, getting some sun and fresh air in spring. The weather is perfect for Father's Day which is set up then. Time spent in nature is good not just for the body but the soul also; it increases feel-good sensations, encourages physical activity, and gives us our necessary dose of Vitamin D.
Most of us spend our day time inside our homes and offices. The time spent outside these days is sadly not enough. This is made worse with advances in technology, making us spend way too much time indoors in front of a screen. Kids are not left out, they feel the effects too, as technology takes an important role in fighting boredom. Sadly, this means that most kids spend less than two hours less each week on outdoor activities (a stark contrast from our glory days of childhood). With the celebration being away from the house, some of these distractions will be kept at bay. Your focus can be solely on spending time with the people who mean the most to you.
A picture-perfect picnic is something the whole family can enjoy. After all, spending time with your kids is what every dad truly wants on Fathers Day, and this is the perfect way to do so without the rest of lifes distractions getting in the way. A technology-free day is the way to go, so leave those cell phones and iPads at home.
When planning your Father’s Day picnic, be sure to look out for the perfect location.
Parks are great location choices for having a picnic. They often have picnic tables and playgrounds or other activities like tennis courts or volleyball courts. If your plan is to rent out tables at a local park, make sure you reserve it far in advance; just like you, quite a few families are also looking to make an opportunity of the gorgeous sunshine that's normal with this time of the year.
Beaches or campgrounds are also great alternatives to plan your family day. If you're lucky enough to have a nice lake nearby, you could maybe rent out a boat for skiing, rafting, or even fishing.
If you dont have a local park, don't let this deter you. You can consider redecorating your very own backyard for the occasion! Set out blankets and the like, hang up streamers, and treat your lawn as your very own personal park. You could even hang up a large white sheet and project a movie on it as night time falls. That would be the perfect ending to a fun day.
Dads are usually pretty easy to please when it comes to food, but since this is a day dedicated to him, make sure you prepare all of his favorites at least the ones that can be easily transported to the picnic location.
If the kids are old enough, you can make it a family affair by assigning a dish to each family member. Dont forget the drinks!
A barbecue grill filled with a variety of meats and veggies, in front of a family picnic is another choice.
Some parks have barbecue grills for use or will allow you to set yours in designated areas. Be sure to check out the regulations for your chosen location to know if you can have fun grilling up your meal together. (Get there early or reserve a grill if you will need one for preparing your lunch. You don't want to end up with only raw food for lunch!)
To make everything even easier, you can have food delivered right to your picnic location park; after all, it's truly the thought that counts. Dad will enjoy munching on a meal that his family worked together to create, or, at least, plan.
The main event is the Picnic fare but while eating, take along some fun entertainment sources for your hours spent lounging in the sun.
Since you'll be outdoors, take a look at some fun backyard games you can take along with you. You can go with old school croquet, horseshoe sets, or bocce ball. Other portable ideas are badminton, Frisbees, soccer, or volleyball. One never changing family favorite that’s perfect for all ages is corn hole. You can find a portable corn hole game to bring with you anywhere.
Homemade gifts are beautiful ways to make your Father's day even more special, in addition to the picnic itself.